Roces produces high quality ice skates for men, women and children. In our online shop, you can find a wide range of ice skates for sale for the whole family. Whether you are just starting to skating on ice, whether you are an expert, Roces has ice skates for beginners as well as ice skates for professionals at all levels. Our ice skates come in a variety of different styles and sizes to meet all the ice skating requirements. They are perfect for figure skating or ice hockey, and are specially made to deal with ice with ease. Ice skating can be a great activity to keep you healthy and fit. The top benefits of ice skating are a better balance, it improves joint flexibility, it builds and tones leg muscles. Ice skating is a great aerobic and cardio workout, it requires a lot of energy over an extended period of time, so it improves your endurance. Ice skating is also a good way to lose or maintain weight, and it can help combat the effects of stress. If you are searching for ice skates for kids, you’ll find a selection of adjustable kid ice skates, which cover up to 6 different sizes, helping you saving a lot! Are you looking for an elegant ice skate for figure skating, or a more sporty ice skate for hockey? Browse this section of Roces shop to find what you need!